Friday, April 13, 2012

Indulging my Sporty Side

Thanks to my friend, Marin, I got to enjoy a wonderful game at Comerica Park yesterday!

Parking: FREE (compliments of the Hard Rock shuttle)

Tickets in the 20th row between dugout and home plate: $11

Beautiful weather: FREE (compliments of my wonderful Heavenly Father)

Hot Dog Value Meal (hot dog, chips, small drink): $5

Souvenir Tiger logo napkins: FREE (compliments of my Tigers)

Over three hours of fun and sun and giggles and laughs and preparations to yell and drop to the ground if a fly ball even came near us (to distract others so Marin could catch it): PRICELESS!

Not a bad day for a very non-sporty girl!

Friday, April 6, 2012

So do not feel like it. . .

How is it that with a wonderful Easter break opened before me, I CANNOT get myself motivated to start on my rather ginormous ToDo List? It really shouldn't be that hard, but the spirit isn't that willing, and the flesh is quite weak!

Oh, well - I'm off and running. . . just not that fast. . . and with socks that don't match!