Sunday, September 12, 2010

Photo Day#30 - IRT

Our favorite Sunday night TV show would have to be Ice Road Truckers on the History Channel.  We've been watching it since it first began on the Canadian ice roads three years ago.  In the past two years they've moved to Alaska's Dalton Highway.  Tonight's show was the first time I think they've ever shown Nuiquist, a small town of 400 people just north of Prudhoe Bay.  This little town can get deliveries for only two months out of the year, and tonight the truckers convoyed into the village.  It was quite the event!  My favorite moment was when one of the truckers dropped off school supplies and then went into a preschool classroom.  The little kids were so cute!  But it wasn't the kids that caught my eye - it was the native language posted below the classroom name. . . that's AMAZING!!  Can you imagine being a little kid and having to learn words that big!  WOW!   Makes me realize the importance of teachers - in every part of America!

*picture quality is the result of the attempted TV capture*

1 comment:

  1. A memory/moment a day for 30 days! YOU DID IT~! AND STILL GOING STRONG! I love reading your posts - may I suggest that you could go on forever!
