Friday, August 27, 2010

Photo Day#14 - Let the Celebrations Begin

Okay, I'll admit it, I love celebrating my birthday - I'm never exactly sure how old I am, but I love celebrating them!!  For me, it's not just a birthDAY celebration, it's more like a birthWEEK celebration!  This year the week officially began tonight!  Part of what makes this week-long party possible is the fact that I sign up for every imaginable restaurant birthday thing.  So, I start out the birthWEEK festivities with a handful of coupons - consisting mainly of getting things free.  Tonight's birthWEEK merriment began at Red Robin where I had a coupon for a "Free Gourmet Burger" with the sentiments of "Here's to staying forever YUMM."  And really, who doesn't want to stay forever yumm!  We then continued the festivities at Borders where we have our usual date night.  At Steve's suggestion to one of our favorite barristas,  I was given a free medium shaken Strawberry Lemony Tea.  Tonight's picture was grabbed by Steve at our first stop of the evening.  I knew I was getting a free burger; what I didn't know was that I was going to get a free sundae and singing!  Aren't birthday weeks GREAT!


  1. I'm going to have to do this - sign up for all the birthday things!! I did it last year for Darryl's birthday and we got our dinner for $12.00 - it would have cost us $30.00 :-) What a great idea!!!

  2. I am a witness that you love Birthdays. I love this picture! You are such a fun friend. Make it a birthMONTH and we can do lunch several times.
