Since Steve owns a Harley, one of the most common questions I get asked is "Do you ride with him?" Well, today's picture is a visual example of how, "Yes, I do occasionally ride with him." He's in front - on the bike, and I'm in back - in the car! That's riding together isn't it??
I'm glad he gets to enjoy is toy so much, and maybe someday I will be brave enough to actually ride with him, but right now, I choose to accompany him only when he is riding in a car. The thought of staring only at the back of his head and not being able to "wiggle" is enough to scare me away from joining him. Please understand, it's not that I don't trust him (he really is a very safe driver), it's just that I don't trust me. So until then, when we ride together it will continue to look something like this. . .
I would definitely ride in the car behind you if you ever got on that bike with Steve. I started to laugh just thinking of it. You would have a death grip on his mid section while you screamed " Stop, Steve, I said please STOP!"