Thursday, November 11, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 11

With Veteran's Day today, I am extremely grateful for the men and women who have been willing to sacrifice their very lives to insure we continue to enjoy the freedoms that make us the best country in the world.  Unfortunately, even with all they gave, the future of our freedom and greatness still rests firmly with us, the people of America.  As Alexis de Tocqueville said, "America is great because she is good.  If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

Thank you, Veterans, both past and present, 
for what you've done to assure our freedom.  
May we, as Americans, do our part 
to insure that America stays "good."

In honor of Veteran's Day, and in conjunction with our classroom study of the three branches of government, I couldn't help but share a few pictures from class today.  After our first attempt to "get a bill passed" through our classroom House of Representatives and Senate, one of my students comments, "I never realized that people in government had to actually work so hard!"

Under the watchful eye of the opinionated and ever present media,
the House of Representatives works on the THIRD revision of a bill.

The Supreme Court prepares themselves for any ruling necessary
on the new law by familiarizing themselves with the
Classroom Constitution (Student Handbook)

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