Thursday, November 25, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 25

Happy Thanksgiving!

I must admit, that Thanksgiving has taken on a whole different meaning to me in the last handful of years.  Where it used to be a special time spent with my mom and dad, just the three of us (until Steve was added to the picture) where I would make a HUGE feast that we would eat on for almost a week, after mom passed away, it became a time spent with my dad and Steve's folks.  And after my dad passed away, it was a meal shared with Steve's side of the family.  After a few years, Steve and I made our own traditions which included dinner with the family and then just the two of us heading up to Birch Run for a midnight shopping adventure.  Our new tradition seemed wonderful until two years ago, when that Thanksgiving trip was what started me on my journey through breast cancer.

Some people may think, "Wow!  You must really dislike Thanksgiving now, huh?"  And I would have to reply, "Absolutely nothing could be farther from the truth!"

I may miss my mom and dad something fierce,
but Steve's family has become my family now too.

I love the chance to spend time with my two wonderful nieces,
who I absolutely adore.

I don't have to cook a thing,
and yet get to enjoy a fantastic home-cooked meal.

I have a fun, and ever changing, tradition
that I get to share with the love-of-my-life.

And above all, 
I am reminded 
every single Thanksgiving, 
that God is good
all the time.
My "little" nieces
all grown up!

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