Thursday, November 18, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 18

After a packed half-day of teaching and a very long afternoon of conferences, I'm glad for a quiet moment in my classroom before I head home for the night.  I love teaching.  I love my "kidlets."  I enjoy planning fun activities. I treasure the fact that every day I get to speak the Lord into the lives of my nineteen students.  All that being said, I don't usually care much at all for conferences.  This year seemed busier than most with a lot to talk about, but overall I'm thankful that the day went well.  I'm thankful for a wonderful, supportive administration.  I'm thankful for a generous, thoughtful group who organized a very fancy dinner break for us.  I'm thankful for fellow co-workers with whom I got to spend the day.  I truly am thankful for all for all of that, but I'm especially thankful that the day is over. . .

Can't you just "hear" the quiet!

1 comment:

  1. It made me miss teaching until I read "conferences" - than reality came back :-) hehehehe I'll just teach my boys - I still get to plan and do fun things but don't have to deal with any parent except myself!
