Friday, November 12, 2010

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 12

I doesn't matter how long the work week is or how stressed out I have become, I always am grateful for Fridays.  Not just for the tradition reason of it being the weekend, but because almost as long as we have been married Friday Night = Date Night.  After dinner, my dear one and I will head to Borders in Novi where we will pick up some magazines, grab a table, order a "fun," usually coffee-based beverage, and sit to enjoy a relaxing evening together.

We've gone through SEVERAL barristas - all of which have become "friends" of some sort.  One now works at Starbucks in Novi Mall - he still smiles and waves every time we see him.  One is on an eleven month mission trip around the world (The World Race - 11 countries in 11 months) - we keep up with her via her blog:  And one of the current barristas was a former student at Wixom Christian - small world, huh!

Well, all that to say, it's not the coffee, it's not the barristas, it's not the books, it's not even the time to sit and just chill.  What I'm grateful for is all about the time I get to spend with my sweets!

I "think" he didn't even realize I was taking a picture!!
(thought I was just playing with my phone)

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